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Live Streamed on February 14, 2024 10:14 AM ET
First Dual livestream, let's see how it goes (Ash Wednesday/St. Valentine's Day stream)
Testing, 1, 2, 3, testing.
And y'all really should check out my locals'

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Peter's primacy

As proved from the King James Bible. Here's the article I mentioned;

SSPX are NOT Catholic

I had a heck of a time uploading this, but everything I say in it is 100% true.
Imagine being so delusional that you defend schismatics while claiming to be Catholic.


Gnosticism, what it is, and how to avoid it.
You'd be surprised how many modern Gnostics there are.
Don't be one of them.
You're not going to go to heaven based on secret knowledge.

Hey y'all

Sorry I haven't been posting so much lately. I've been struggling with depression. And, to be quite honest, haven't really had the time to even livestream a video. I have a few on Rumble that I've done, but, not the same amount as I usually do.

Important free episode coming

Hey y'all, for some odd reason, my last video recorded with no audio. No idea why. So, I am going to record one soon about the fact, to, no one's surprise, I'm autistic.
Locals DID get back to me about the no audio issue, but, they were not having the same problem.

Hey y'all, for some reason, when livestreamed a video a few days ago, there was no sound, and I promised one free video this month (As Locals support never got back to me), so, I may have to use Rumble Studio to do it. We'll have to see how that goes. I might only be able to give you one video if that issue isn't fixed.

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