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A topic I never want to write about again
I have #depression. I have most of my life. This topic is not about depression, per se. It's actually more about #suicide.
I have those feelings, still, but I will NOT act on them.
And, generally speaking, I'm much more #happy than I was then.
And don't judge someone's soul if they take their own life. If you know someone is suicidal, please talk to them, and if you are, and you feel you don't have anywhere to turn, in the #UnitedStates and #Canada, call 988.

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SSPX are NOT Catholic

I had a heck of a time uploading this, but everything I say in it is 100% true.
Imagine being so delusional that you defend schismatics while claiming to be Catholic.

Peter's primacy

As proved from the King James Bible. Here's the article I mentioned;

Surviving Helene-The aftermath

Please share this on your social media, and with everyone you know.
Here's the Diocese of Charleston;
Hurricane relief;
I will add more as I find more.

Surviving Helene-The aftermath
Let's talk about happy things

Follow me on Gettr, because I'm shadowbanned; Find me on MeWe; Help Ukraine against R*ssia's illegal aggression, donate here, If you want to help me with my medical bills, go here;
Latest for Catholic 365;
If you're wondering why Russia keeps calling Ukrainians "Nazis",

Let's talk about happy things
Coffee and Christianity: Episode 66: Woe to you who are rich!

Maybe being rich isn't always a good thing.
Maybe there's legitimate reasons for not wanting to be wealthy.
Follow me on Gettr, because I'm shadowbanned;
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Help Ukraine against R*ssia's illegal aggression, donate here,
If you want to help me with my medical bills, go here;

Coffee and Christianity: Episode 66: Woe to you who are rich!
They know it

This was a song I made some time ago about alleged "truth tellers" on the internet that think by calling people defending their country (which was invaded by another country)" " #Nazis " and " #fascists" know they're lying. Given that, a few months ago, it was revealed that some " #conservative" media, was funded by the Kremlin, I was RIGHT when I said it seemed like some of these people were #Kremlin funded. And it didn't even make sense that "conservatives" were supporting them. #Russia is one of the most pro-abortion countries on earth.
Anyway, the lyrics were not written down, and I screwed up in the first take, so I had to re-do with different lyrics. My main influences in my own #music really show in this song ( #IndustrialRock, #Hardcore Punk, and #HeavyMetal, basically, almost any music that can be called "Rock" ). If it sounds like I'm shouting, I am. I am not ideologically similar to #IanMacKaye from ...

How exactly is Russia the good guy?

Understand, when I say this, I know there are #Russians who are against the #war. I mean, #Russia, under #Putin. How is Russia the good guy? Any time I ask, I get some ham fisted (and parroted) answer about "Nazis".
What a weird comparison for Putin to make, given that #JosephStalin is seen as a #hero in Russa. And what was the name of the Soviet premier that sided with #AdolfHitler? Oh yeah, Joseph Stalin.
I don't see #farleft and #farright (the actual meanings of those terms, not how Americans misuse them), as being that different. Putin himself that he admires #communism and #socialism. Yet, somehow, he's portrayed as " #rightwing", in the #UnitedStates. It's hard to pinpoint him, but I'd say he's a far left Socialist. And he's a far right imperialist.
Putin is a living example of the #goldenmeanfallacy. He's in the middle, and he's the worst of both sides. The truth is not always in the middle.

The cured for ignorance is education #Catholic's don't worship the #VirginMary, asking for #prayers for people in #heaven isn't #idolatry, and Catholics often know the #Bible better than #Protestants, even if they can't always name #chapterandverse. Not really a #Biblestudy for this one, more of an " #Educational" one
#Catholic365 #Catholicism #Christianity

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