There are a lot of people who mistakenly believe Jesus was executed for claiming to be the Messiah.
Nope. That was not grounds for capital punishment. So, what was?
I had a heck of a time uploading this, but everything I say in it is 100% true.
Imagine being so delusional that you defend schismatics while claiming to be Catholic.
As proved from the King James Bible. Here's the article I mentioned;
Please share this on your social media, and with everyone you know.
Here's the Diocese of Charleston;
Hurricane relief;
I will add more as I find more.
Follow me on Gettr, because I'm shadowbanned; Find me on MeWe; Help Ukraine against R*ssia's illegal aggression, donate here, If you want to help me with my medical bills, go here;
Particularly mine. Aging is interesting. Eventually, I very well may be blind.
If you're interested, and you have a MeWe, there is a group for Locals communities on MeWe.
Please share it!
A #friendlyreminder that people's lives aren't #political props.
Pretty absurd to me that somehow #Ukraine hatred became " #conservative" in the #UnitedStates. #UkraineDerangementSyndrome is real.
For the record, #Donetsk has been under #russianoccupation since 2014, and Bucha, where she moved, was the site of the #BuchaMassacre, where a huge amount of civilians (including #women and #children) were massacred by #russian soldiers.
Stop telling me things like "I don't care what happens to #Ukraine". the #Bible never once claims that #baptism is only a symbolic gesture you do after you've already been internally converted. That is a #traditionofman.
I know some people like to argue that Jesus was baptized, because they somehow think that disproves baptismal regeneration. No, in fact, it's the exact opposite. #Jesus's baptism sanctified the waters of baptism!
And we're once again, going to discuss baptism. #NewTestament #Bible #Biblestudy
#CapturingChristianity is on #Locals. You'll notice that Mr. Bertuzzi and Co haven't post in a while.
If anyone can get a hold of #CameronBertuzzi, remind him that there are people on Locals.