I'm just seeing if this will show up, since I can find a video that I uploaded, and I think may be lost permanently.
I can re-upload it, but, not the point.
So, I am not going to go over the #historical background over #AshWednesday, but, I do want to talk about what it is to begin with. While you're not going to find Ash Wednesday in the #Bible (neither will you find the phrase #HolyTrinity), the concept of ashes and repentance is still there.
As I'm getting increasingly annoyed with American #politics (including with people I voted for), I think it would be good (and #healthy) to divert my attention away from political topics for a while.
NOT that I am going to stop talking about them, I very much am.
But, for my sanity's sake, and yours, we'll try to go sparingly on them.
Some of the stuff I mentioned in the video;
(I don't remember if this mentions the canon, but, it is some good background about Luther), Apocrypha Apocalypse YT channel; https://www.youtube.com/@ApocryphaApocalypse
Follow me on Gettr, because I'm shadowbanned; https://gettr.com/user/adamchovey Find me on MeWe; https://mewe.com/adamcharleshovey.35/ Help Ukraine against R*ssia's illegal aggression, donate here, https://www.globalgiving.org/donate/102343/charitable-organization-charitable-foundation-kharkiv-v/ If you want to help me with my medical bills, go here; https://www.givesendgo.com/adamsmedicalbills (this is one I REALLY need y'all to share)
If you're interested, and you have a MeWe, there is a group for Locals communities on MeWe.
Please share it!
A video with the Apocrypha Apocalypse crew on Capturing Christianity, and some (very ill ...
Version of the Bible, used; https://ignatius.com/ignatius-bible-rsv-2nd-edition-ib2h/
Follow me on Gettr, because I'm shadowbanned; https://gettr.com/user/adamchovey Find me on MeWe; https://mewe.com/adamcharleshovey.35/ Help Ukraine against R*ssia's illegal aggression, donate here, https://www.globalgiving.org/donate/102343/charitable-organization-charitable-foundation-kharkiv-v/ If you want to help me with my medical bills, go here; https://www.givesendgo.com/adamsmedicalbills (this is one I REALLY need y'all to share)
If you're interested, and you have a MeWe, there is a group for Locals communities on MeWe.
Please share it!
Please share this on your social media, and with everyone you know.
Here's the Diocese of Charleston; https://charlestondiocese.org
Hurricane relief; https://www.givesendgo.com/2024HurricaneReliefFund
I will add more as I find more.
Sometimes, it really does seem like there's a biblical literacy problem.
Follow me on Gettr, because I'm shadowbanned; https://gettr.com/user/adamchovey Find me on MeWe; https://mewe.com/adamcharleshovey.35/ Help Ukraine against R*ssia's illegal aggression, donate here, https://www.globalgiving.org/donate/102343/charitable-organization-charitable-foundation-kharkiv-v/ If you want to help me with my medical bills, go here; https://www.givesendgo.com/adamsmedicalbills (this is one I REALLY need y'all to share)
If you're interested, and you have a MeWe, there is a group for Locals communities on MeWe.
Please share it!
https://catholicismnewsandwhatever.locals.com/post/5764773/calling-out-dr-james-white-on-his-fake-doctorate since I've mentioned "Dr" #JamesWhite, I thought I'd share a video about his fake doctorate.
This is something I wish that #American #conservatives would understand. #Putin started his political career by killing #civilians. So, he's not going to stop, now. All this weird worship of how #russia is a "good #Christian country" (It has one of the highest abortion rates on earth), and how Putin somehow secretly loves #Ukraine, is rubbish nonsense of the highest order.
#DonaldTrump and #JDVance really DON'T know what they're talking about.
Anyway, I said I'd cull the #politics, not get rid of them, completely, but, I don't think supporting Ukraine is political.
Anyway, going to make a video soon, probably over the weekend about "Dr" #JamesWhite possibly denying the existence of...St. #IgnatiosofAntioch (I'll always spell it that way because that's how the #Melkite church in Augusta spells it).
From #UkrainskaPravda
Who says the #Goodthief (AKA the #thiefonthecross), wasn't baptized? The text doesn't say that. The #Bible doesn't say one way or the other.
I'm aware that Protestants are a broad group, and some Protestants, such as #Lutherans and #Anglicans wouldn't use this argument.
I think this is the problem with the #argumentfromsilence, which, as a reminder, is a #logicalfallacy.
To my #Protestant friends and family that do use this line of reasoning, please remove it from your repertoire. It's not good logic.
All in #charity, #Christian soldiers!
#Catholic365 #Christianity #Biblestudy