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On James White possibly denying the existence of Ignatios of Antioch

This looks bad;

There's another channel I'm trying to find, but, because of the prominence if YouTube Anti Catholics, the algorithm is making it difficult to find.

Live Chat
On James White possibly denying the existence of Ignatios of Antioch

This looks bad;

There's another channel I'm trying to find, but, because of the prominence if YouTube Anti Catholics, the algorithm is making it difficult to find.

Addressing Gavin Ortlund's mistaken view of the Biblical Canon

Some of the stuff I mentioned in the video;
(I don't remember if this mentions the canon, but, it is some good background about Luther), Apocrypha Apocalypse YT channel;
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If you're interested, and you have a MeWe, there is a group for Locals communities on MeWe.
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A video with the Apocrypha Apocalypse crew on Capturing Christianity, and some (very ill ...

Coffee and Christianity: Episode 75: The Good Samaritan

Version of the Bible, used;
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If you're interested, and you have a MeWe, there is a group for Locals communities on MeWe.
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Coffee and Christianity: Episode 75: The Good Samaritan
Surviving Helene-The aftermath

Please share this on your social media, and with everyone you know.
Here's the Diocese of Charleston;
Hurricane relief;
I will add more as I find more.

Surviving Helene-The aftermath
Coffee and Christianity 74: Yes, actually, Jesus did say that marriage is between one man and one woman

Sometimes, it really does seem like there's a biblical literacy problem.
Follow me on Gettr, because I'm shadowbanned; Find me on MeWe; Help Ukraine against R*ssia's illegal aggression, donate here, If you want to help me with my medical bills, go here; (this is one I REALLY need y'all to share)
If you're interested, and you have a MeWe, there is a group for Locals communities on MeWe.
Please share it!

Coffee and Christianity 74: Yes, actually, Jesus did say that marriage is between one man and one woman
A friendly reminder that Putin doesn't want peace

This is something I wish that #American #conservatives would understand. #Putin started his political career by killing #civilians. So, he's not going to stop, now. All this weird worship of how #russia is a "good #Christian country" (It has one of the highest abortion rates on earth), and how Putin somehow secretly loves #Ukraine, is rubbish nonsense of the highest order.
#DonaldTrump and #JDVance really DON'T know what they're talking about.
Anyway, I said I'd cull the #politics, not get rid of them, completely, but, I don't think supporting Ukraine is political.
Anyway, going to make a video soon, probably over the weekend about "Dr" #JamesWhite possibly denying the existence of...St. #IgnatiosofAntioch (I'll always spell it that way because that's how the #Melkite church in Augusta spells it).
From #UkrainskaPravda

The thief on the cross and an argument from silence
Who says the #Goodthief (AKA the #thiefonthecross), wasn't baptized? The text doesn't say that. The #Bible doesn't say one way or the other.
I'm aware that Protestants are a broad group, and some Protestants, such as #Lutherans and #Anglicans wouldn't use this argument.
I think this is the problem with the #argumentfromsilence, which, as a reminder, is a #logicalfallacy.
To my #Protestant friends and family that do use this line of reasoning, please remove it from your repertoire. It's not good logic.
All in #charity, #Christian soldiers!
#Catholic365 #Christianity #Biblestudy

Stay tuned for Ash Wednesday video

So, I am not going to go over the #historical background over #AshWednesday, but, I do want to talk about what it is to begin with. While you're not going to find Ash Wednesday in the #Bible (neither will you find the phrase #HolyTrinity), the concept of ashes and repentance is still there.
As I'm getting increasingly annoyed with American #politics (including with people I voted for), I think it would be good (and #healthy) to divert my attention away from political topics for a while.
NOT that I am going to stop talking about them, I very much am.
But, for my sanity's sake, and yours, we'll try to go sparingly on them.


I'm just seeing if this will show up, since I can find a video that I uploaded, and I think may be lost permanently. 

I can re-upload it, but, not the point.

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